Why do ADULTS get off on using Snapchat animal lenses and filters?

Like, isn’t adding dog ears or kitty whiskers to your photo something an 8-year-old child would do?

Among the most popular Snapchat face lenses are:

Cat Ears, Eyes, and Nose
Animal Ears with Glasses
Mouse Ears with Cheese
Any animal-themed lens

FULL-GROWN ADULTS getting off on posting selfies for the world to see – selfies of their faces with the ridiculous, superimposed puppy noses, kitty noses, doggie ears and huge black rimmed glasses.

GROW UP! The vast majority of these people seem to be women in their 20s.

“Oh gee, let’s see what I look like with puppy ears!” 

That’s the mind of today’s ADULT.

Apparently they think that they’re the ONLY ones to post these images online. They seem to be unaware that 20 MILLION OTHER women have done the SAME THING!


Maybe you think you’re the cutest thang, but GET OVER YOURSELF. Every single one of those 20 million OTHER women think the same thing about themselves!!!

I’d expect this behavior from eight- and nine-year-old girls. But full-grown adults? What on earth???

Before you fire back that this is just harmless, good-natured fun that doesn’t hurt anyone… that is not the point and not relevant.

That adults can get off doing something that would be far more normal for grade school children to do, is highly suggestive of self-absorption and a childish, immature way of going through life.

It also strongly suggests a follow-the-crowd or herd mentality, as well as the inability to think creatively and originally.

I also don’t easily see them performing complex problem-solving skills.

I wonder how many of these women who think they are just SOOO cutesy with their Snapchat filters are any of the following:

Upper management in a major corporation

If they are younger, I wonder how many are any of the following:

Law student
Medical student
In a PhD, computer programming or business administration program

If these women (and whatever men there are who subscribe to such childishness) were born in the 1950s, I bet they would have fallen for that idiotic Pet Rock craze.

If they were born later, I bet they wouldn’t have gotten enough of that stupid Tickle Me Elmo craze. Though that latter was targeted towards children, many adults ate it up.

Go ahead, keep posting those ridiculously silly selfies with the delusion that throngs of strangers around the globe are going to be mesmerized and enthralled at how original you look with your animal-themed lenses.

Never mind that there are a zillion other selfies out there that look JUST LIKE YOURS.

Never mind that you believe that you’re the one and only, the groundbreaker, the innovator, the pioneer in the use of Snapchat filters!

No wonder the aliens STILL won’t make contact with us!

Let’s see this for what it is: No different than adult women sitting on the floor playing with Barbie dolls. Like, “Wooptee-dooooo, look at me with my kitty ears and nose! Ooooeee, do I look cute or what!”

Grow up.

The only intelligence is the creator of Snapchat. They knew that adults would eat this up, just like the creator of the Pet Rock knew that this product would appeal to masses of dimwits. I wonder what the next huge fad will be among full-grown adults that will make them act like children.