It’s just SO stupid when all a person has to say is “Wow, just wow” to a news article or story.

This dumb, overused phrase kept popping up in the comments sections of news articles when comments sections were aplenty.

But even though major news outlets no longer have comments sections, people are still posting “Wow. Just…wow” in YouTube comments and Instagram comments, but also even in some threads for community forums.

Oh STOP. Just…stop.
Or, NO. Just…no.
Oh God, stop me.

But really now…this phrase is sooo doggone annoying and shows up everywhere online.

It’s a lazy remark because it requires no thought, yet at the same time, it implies that the reader does, in fact, have opinions on whatever it is that brought him or her to this almost-speechlessness.

This phrase can mean a ton of reactions…all diluted into a single three-word cliché.

Richer responses to a shocking or incredible article or video can be written in place of this tiresome, witless, herd mentality three-word phrase.

If something has shaken you up to the point where you’re flummoxed over what to type for a response, then don’t hastily throw out this overused trio.

Instead, wait a while, stew over what you just read or viewed, then post an intelligent, focused response.

Otherwise, nobody gives a flying fuck that all you can utter is “Wow. Just…wow.”

No other thoughts? Are you THAT witless?

This makes you come across as denser than a brick. Is this all you say at company or PTA meetings, too?

The irony is that (at least as far as I know) nobody ever actually SPEAKS this stupid phrase. It’s only typed in comments sections or threads.

Maybe it’s never spoken because people think it would sound really dumb.

Well guess what: It LOOKS really stupid, too.

It’s strongly indicative of a herd mentality. The people who post “Wow. Just…Wow” do not suddenly come up with this on their own the second they want to post a comment.

They’ve seen this before, perhaps three dozen times before, and think it’s just oh so cool and rad. So they become copycats, unable to formulate a comment on their own.

These are the very same people who are incapable of coming up with clever solutions to tricky situations.

After all, all their brain can come up with to even the most incredible news article or story is “Wow. Just…wow.”

Take a good look at that. It really DOES make the poster come across as dense and simple minded.