Many people actually think that in order to post a comment about a story, you have to read the entire article!


This phenomenon occurs when a person posts a comment criticizing something about the story – or, they might just simply post, “Who cares?”

Invariably, someone will then post a response like, “Then why did you read the article?”

Smart-alecks have been known to reply to “Who cares?” with:

“You! You read the article!”

And here I am, thinking to the replier, “Moron! Just because he commented doesn’t mean he read the article!”

Or am I wrong about this?

  • Is it illegal to post a comment to a story without reading the story?
  • Is it impossible to post a comment if all you’ve read is the headline?
  • Help me, people. What am I not getting here?

I have posted critical comments to stories – without reading them. The headline is enough.

Or maybe I’ve read the first two lines of a 500 word article. That’s all I need to post my comment.

An example would be me posting something like, “All you nutcases who are fascinated by Meghan Markle need to get a life! She was a nobody before she met Prince what’s-his-name. Now suddenly you want to know her every move. Pathetic.”

Then someone who obviously thinks they’re clever and witty posts a reply to my comment: “Well YOU were interested enough to read the article!”

I’ll post back, “Idiot, all I caught was the headline. I don’t need to read the story to know what it’s about. Get a clue!”

The stupidity in my critics is that they assumed I read the article!

They’re not smart enough to understand that all I need to read is the HEADLINE before making my post!

The headline says it all: William Shares Thoughts on Fatherhood.

Why would I have to read it in order to make my post? My post is something like, “You sorry souls need a brain check if you actually think this guy has nuggets of wisdom about fatherhood just because he’s the son of Prince Charles.”

But my critics ask, “Why did you bother reading the article if you don’t care?”


Where in my posts does it state I actually read the article?  Isn’t the headline enough to know what the article is about?

I guess some people are too dense to get this. 

One time I responded to a moron who replied to someone who posted “Who cares?” about Kate Middleton’s newborn daughter’s name.

The moron said, “If you don’t care why did you bother to read the article?”

I blasted this moron for being stupid enough to assume the first individual actually read the article and that MAYBE he only caught the headline and then made his post.

I also pointed out that CARING is NOT a requirement for posting a comment online.  Goodness gracious, Lord help me.

If someone sees a headline, “Taylor Swift’s Landlord Had No Clue Who She Was,” and posts, “Who cares?” does this mean the poster actually read the article?

Apparently, many people think yes. They need a brain check, because it’s not necessary to read an article to know what it’s about.

What typically happens (or happened, during the heyday of comments sections) is that someone posts, “Who cares!” A snarky person then replies, “You do! You read the article!”

Tell me why it’s not possible to post a comment if all you’ve read is the headline.

You don’t come across as witty if you reply to “Who cares?” with, “You! You were interested enough to read the article!”

Must one read the article to know what it’s about if the headline is “Meghan Markle Is Pregnant”?