Have you noticed that every single reporter at the COVID-19 Whitehouse briefings is too afraid to finish their question if Trump cuts them off?

This really irks me. These are not capable reporters. They need to grow a spine. I’ve watched every single coronavirus Whitehouse briefing. Every one.

It happens over and over: Trump interrupts the reporter, even though it’s very obvious that the reporter did not finish their question – and it’s NOT clear just exactly what the question was, either.

In fact, what often has happened is that the reporter didn’t even BEGIN the question. It’s clear that the reporter was prefacing the question with a statement.

And you know a question is coming.

But then Trump cuts them off.

This is where the reporter needs to CONTINUE SPEAKING instead of clamming up.

Sometimes they’ll actually resume speaking, and Trump will wave his hands and say something like “Hold on,” “Stop” or some other such directive.

The reporter then clams up.

However, many times, the reporter will attempt to get in a word edgewise, trying to spit out the question, coming off as mousy and spineless.

Why do the reporters – both men and women, all ages, all ethnicities – allow Trump to mow over them?

What are they afraid of? Do they think they’ll get arrested?

I’m wondering if these reporters have been warned ahead of time that they need to passively back down if Trump interrupts, because if they don’t … if they aggressively talk over Trump – they will no longer be welcome at these coronavirus Whitehouse briefings?

Otherwise, I just don’t get how so many allegedly seasoned reporters could let all those opportunities slip away from them – the opportunity to ask the U.S. President a question!

There’ve been times that Trump outright cut off the reporter, singling out one word and zooming in on that, before even the first word of the question was out.

And you can see the look of astonishment on the reporter’s face, followed by their pathetic attempts to sputter out the question.

In many cases, ultimately, the question never gets out, and Trump turns away to take another reporter’s question.

Shame on these reporters. They are not doing their job competently.

They need to learn how to preface their question with something like, “Mr. President, I’m going to precede my question with a statement that you’ll be tempted to interject on, but it’s crucial that you wait till I’m done, since you may not know where I’m going until you hear the last few words of the question. Now here’s my statement and THEN the question will follow.”

And if Trump STILL interrupts, then dammit, KEEP TALKING. AND WITH AUTHORITY.

Trump may STILL not address the question, but at least the reporter won’t look like a spineless fool.