How can anyone be rude enough to start up a motorcycle early in the morning, knowing that the loud engine will surely awaken neighbors?

Several years ago I was awakened every morning at 5:45 by the start-up of a motorcycle. I thought, “How can anyone be so bloody rude and thoughtless?”

This clod lived in the building next door, and my bedroom faced the opposite direction. This meant that many other people were certainly being blasted out of sleep by the motorcycle.

Finally I rung his doorbell one day.

I asked the man how much longer he thought he’d be starting his motorcycle up every morning — that is, was driving a car to work in his near future?

He was nice in his response and said he didn’t plan on getting a car, and apologized for waking me up.

But he also added that there was nothing he could do. And there was nothing I could do, either, so I left.

I didn’t expect him to purchase a car to avoid awakening me. My goal was to let him know that at least one person was getting awakened at 5:45 in the morning five days a week.

This way he’d have something to think about every time he started up that bike.

Several weeks later he moved. Several years later a man moved two doors from me into my building and eventually acquired a motorcycle. The damn thing woke me up every morning.

If you love owning a bike or plan on getting one, ask yourself if you absolutely MUST use it early in the morning, knowing all to well that it will wake many neighbors up!

Why not drive a car to work like everyone else?

This new neighbor actually had a car, too. But he’d take the motorcycle to work.

This clown would let the engine idle for five to 10 minutes before finally pulling out of the lot. He’d rip down the street. I’m sure many people along the street were also awakened.

But what can we do? He wasn’t breaking any laws. It’s not illegal to be an SOB. Nevertheless, I contacted his landlord and asked “if anything could be done about it.”

Next day this man was at my doorstep and said his landlord told him I had complained. He acted nice and said he’d start the motorcycle up in the cul-de-sac.

Well, that didn’t do much good. Then one day he resumed starting the junky looking bike up in his parking spot.

This was no cool Harley. It was a piece of junk. He had to rev up the engine for 5-10 minutes before pulling out.

Or was he just playing with it, enjoying the noise? I wouldn’t put that past this thoughtless POC.

It would be unthinkable for ME to create this level of noise early in the morning.

I’m too considerate of my neighbors to awaken them. If I must get to work I’ll drive a car. Cars starting up never awaken me. I’m talking about a motorcycle here!

If I wanted a motorcycle I’d use it after work or on the weekends. Why do motorcycle riders think nothing of starting their machines up early in the morning?

How would they like it if I stood outside and hollered into a bull horn a few hours or even an hour before they were scheduled to awaken?