Why do the morons out there continue to type alternating caps and lower case letters?

Did this incredibly stupid fad originate with that really stupid Spongebob show, as legend has it?

I googled “typing upper and lower case letters” and a small thread came up in the search results.

A response to the OP pointed out that “idiots” use this approach to insult the reader, though I’ve seen the alternations for no apparent reason, as though the poster thinks it’s really rad no matter what.

The OP also suggested it’s because the poster can’t think for himself. I agree.

But I’ll happily add to it. Anyone who alternates caps and lower case will never be someone who’s peeling rubber in the corporate boardroom.

They will never be the innovators, the movers and shakers, the inventors and pioneers.

ThIs MaKeS YoU CoME aCrOsS aS aN iDiOt

Alternating the casing of letters is strongly suggestive of a herd mentality, a simple-witted person who likely either dropped out of high school or has no post-high school education.

Not that those who didn’t go to college are necessarily dimwitted; of course not. But those clowns who think they’re so witty by alternating caps with lower case certainly didn’t pursue ANY kind of post-high school education or specialized training.

I just can’t see it.

And even if they did – and I’m sure a small percentage DO have specialized training or even a college degree – it’s impossible to believe that they’re capable of any creative problem solving skills – either on the job or in everyday life.

These are the same halfwits who’d slow down on a highway to 20 mph to gawk at a car parked in the SHOULDER with someone looking under the hood.

They’re the same idiots who’d call 9-1-1 to report lightning or that McDonald’s screwed up their order.

This stupid fad has been around for at least 17 years. People are still doing it.

The alternating caps may be in the header of a thread post, in the middle of it somewhere or a sign-off from the post.

What are these fools trying to accomplish? If you want people to read your message, then simply type it normally (and with punctuation) and maybe make a few words bold or all caps.

But alternating capital letters with lower case just looks so effing stupid, and it’s difficult to quickly read.

When I see this, which also occurs in posts to YouTube videos, I skip it. I don’t bother to read it.

Why would I take the time to read through the mess when I know it’s been written by an idiot?

I’m not interested in reading what idiots post.

If I were to select 10 people to help solve a tricky problem, and I had 20 to choose from, and one of them posted something online with alternating caps and lower case, that person would be instantly disqualified.

So would anyone who had posted a Snapchat of themselves with superimposed puppy or kitty ears, nose and whiskers. This is the same level of stupidity as with the mixing up the cap and lower case letters.

It’s amazing how much the online world can reveal a person’s stupidity, herd mentality, childish thinking and immaturity.

The Internet and social media don’t create idiots. They REVEAL them.