I just don’t get it: That a cookie as plain and dull as the classic Oreo is the best selling cookie in the world.

The “chocolate” wafer part isn’t even real chocolate. It doesn’t even taste like real chocolate.

And the Oreo’s cream filling is not exciting. So what’s the big thrill in eating these bland cookies anyways? Is it because the wafer can be screwed off, allowing someone to scrape their teeth against the cream filling?

Or maybe it’s so that they can put two uncapped Oreos together to get a cookie with a double dose of the filling?

There’s more to it than this. The Newman’s Best line of cookies has an Oreo-type that has a mint cream filling as well as a chocolate cream filling.

But the Newman’s brand isn’t as widely distributed as the Oreo brand. This alone will prevent it from surpassing the latter in sales.

If you like chocolate, it only makes sense that you’ll like chocolate wafers (if you want to call them that) with a CHOCOLATE cream center much better than those with a vanilla cream center. Am I not correct with this?

I still can’t believe that the whole world prefers Oreos over all the other much more tantalizing cookies on the market, like some of those from Keebler, for instance. What a mind-bender.