It boggles my mind that people aren’t bright enough to periodically check their junk mail folder!

It hasn’t dawned on these Einsteins that a perfectly legitimate email might end up in the spam folder – the very email that they are expecting.

I have another blog. It has my email address for anyone who’s interested in contributing.

So I get a message from someone who’d like to write some posts. I check out his site. He’s a good writer and seems very legit.

So I hit “reply” and tell him I’m interested and to send me a few articles for me to look over.

I never hear from him.

Until a few weeks later. He sends the same message.

I resend my original response but still hear nothing.

A week later I get a third message from him: the same one.

I resend my original message from a second email account of mine, with the idea that my other two emails went into his junk folder, and maybe my second account will end up in his in-box. But I hear nothing back. Ever again.

It’s obvious my three emails went into his junk folder. He just wasn’t smart enough to check there.

This isn’t the first time this has happened. I’ve sent out many emails over the years to people who were expecting them, but never got a reply.

For a good percentage of those, I finally heard back – after I sent a follow-up message from my second account – which obviously landed in their in-box.

They’d then confirm that, indeed, my original messages were sitting in their junk folder.

It’s like, come on people, is it too much to give your spam folder’s contents a brief sweep with your eyes to see if there might be a legitimate message?

I practice what I preach, and every once in a while I spot a legitimate email in my spam folder! This is so simple; why don’t more people do this?

Before I empty the contents of my junk folders, I always give them a quick glance to see if any legit messages are in there. This takes about FIVE SECONDS.

Own a Computer? Then Read the Following

• Computers aren’t perfect.
• They make errors.
• You cannot assume that 100 percent of legitimate messages will get past your spam filter.

Why didn’t it occur to the wannabe contributor to my other blog to check his effing junk folder?

I have actually found potential business clients’ messages in my junk folder and landed them as clients!

Don’t be a ding-a-ling. Check your friggin’ junk folder on a regular basis!