One of the dumbest things, I swear, is when someone drinks milk out of a carton.

Now, I just cannot believe that placing one’s lips on that stiff paper of the carton opening is more inviting than placing one’s lips on the smoothness of a glass.

Are people actually too lazy to pour the milk into a glass? And so what if they want only a few gulps.

If someone lives alone and does this, they’re not being rude, but I still question what’s going on inside their heads.

When someone knows that another individual in the household also drinks milk, yet that someone still drinks the milk straight from the carton, they are being inconsiderate and thoughtless—for reasons that are so obvious I won’t even explain them.

It’s just uncouth to do this in a household where other people will be wanting milk from that same carton.

I’ve also noticed – at least in the media – that whenever a person is shown drinking a beverage from its cardboard carton – it’s:

  • Always a man.
  • Always milk, never juice from a carton.

I also have to say that when a person drinks milk straight from the carton, they look ridiculous.

Maybe I feel this way because I once dated a man who’d drink milk straight from the carton at his place. He turned out to be a jerk. Not surprising at all.

Maybe the type of person who’d do this is the type who’d turn out to be a jerk. Maybe men who are jerks usually drink milk from the carton. There’s probably a strong association going on with this.