What is going on inside the heads of people who position their vehicle over the white stripes in a parking lot, thereby making it difficult or sometimes impossible for other drivers to take the spot next to them?

How difficult is it to “aim” your car in between the lines?

How difficult is it to open your door a bit, after you’ve parked, to check to see if you’re over the stripe or too far from it (which would indicate your car is over the other line)?

I mean, come on now, how mind-bending can it possibly be to ensure that your car is NOT parked over the parking stripe!

Even when a car’s tires are on the stripe…technically, you’re still in bounds, but…this can still present a problem for anyone who wants to take the next space.

Now suppose there’s only one space available, and the only way you can fit your car in is to park it on the line…because the vehicle in the next space is on THEIR line. I can understand this.

But I don’t believe this explains most of the infractions.

Most of the infractions are caused by people being stupid drivers.

But even if you’re impaired due to being a new driver, old driver or whatever…bad parking can be corrected by opening the door a smidgeon and peeking out to see if A) you’re on or over the line, or B) you’re too far from it, which would indicate your car is over the other side of the space.

And then you can make the adjustment! SIMPLE!

Numerous times I have left angry notes on the windshields of these stupid drivers.

In fact…at least once, maybe twice, as I was leaving my car after struggling to fit it into the space that was reduced by the clod’s bad parking, I actually saw the driver returning to their car!

Yep, you guessed it: I moseyed over to them and pointed out their infraction. As I’ve stated in another article, I don’t go through life pretending that everyone is carrying a gun. I speak my mind, then have my dukes ready in case the idiot decides to get physical.

Do not park your car over the stripes or lines of a parking space. 

This is rude and inexcusable. Have consideration for other motorists, including those who aren’t skinny enough to squeeze out of or into their car because you’re parked too far over!

(And no, I’m not fat, but really, I always wonder whatever happened to common courtesy!)