Is a person’s brain too lazy to post more than one word in a comments section?

Posting only “Sad” looks ridiculous but also meaningless.

This annoying overused word gets posted to stories that are very tragic or heart-wrenching.

The article or video is almost always full of enough information to generate multiple kinds of responses spanning various viewpoints from stunned readers or viewers.

Many reactions are spell-binding to read, very thought-provoking and well-crafted. But then you come upon this one-word reaction: “Sad.”

Well DUHHH, of course the story is sad! Anyone reading or viewing it will soon figure that out!

So what’s the point of posting this one word?

It’s like dipping your hand in water and saying “Wet.”

It’s meaningless and offers no insight or substance.

I take it that those who post only “Sad” are the same folks who remain as quiet as a mouse in a company meeting, with nothing useful to contribute when the opportunity is there.

If one of their friends or family members comes to them for advice on a pressing matter, these are the same people who’ll have very little to offer, shrugging their shoulders and muttering “Dunno what to tell you.”

What do these people hope to gain by posting only “Sad” in the comments section of YouTube for a tragic story?

Are they thinking that when strangers will read their comment of “Sad,” that those strangers will suddenly gain some kind of wisdom?

I mean really now. What IS the objective here? Is it that they want the thousands of people reading the comments to know that they feel sad about it?

But that wouldn’t make any sense if their username isn’t their real name. Who the bloody hell is KweenKitty?

And even if it WERE their real name, that still wouldn’t make sense.

Because if I read that Mayson Kelly posted only “Sad” to a story about a head-on collision that killed an entire family, I STILL have no idea who the hell Mayson Kelly is.

Why doesn’t this Mayson guy type out a thought or question? Certainly he’s GOT to have SOMETHING in response to this kind of story, like…say…how was it that neither of the vehicles were able to get out of the way in time?

Or how was it that the errant driver ended up going the wrong way on a highway? Doesn’t Mayson want to ask, “How do you NOT know you’re about to enter a highway going the wrong direction?”

Doesn’t he want to holler, “It figures the idiot who caused the collision survived. He should serve life in prison.”

But noooo, this Mayson dude has only “Sad” to say. This is one empty-headed person, along with all the others who can’t think of anything else to say but “Sad.”

Here’s an opportunity to let thousands of people know your thoughts or questions, and ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IS “SAD”?!

WTF! It’s like looking up at the sun and saying “Bright.”