Will someone kindly tell me why it’s too much of a brain drain for people to put on their flashers when they parallel park?

I am so sick and tired of numbskulls who give no warning as they suddenly stop alongside the street, with me behind them, and they therefore force me to slow down or stop altogether—what stupid drivers.

If they had the consideration and intelligence to put their flashers on, then I’d think, “Okay, they’re slowing or stopping to parallel park, and I’ll patiently wait.”

Often, I can’t just move into the lane to the left because it’s busy with traffic, so I’m locked in behind the stupid driver.

When I parallel park, I put my flashers on even BEFORE I start slowing.

If I know I’m going to be searching along a particular street for a parallel parking spot, I will put my hazard lights on to give anybody behind me a good generous alert.

I never, ever, ever proceed to parallel park without my flashers on! Is it too much to ask other people to do the same?

Recently I was driving along a main road when suddenly the cars ahead of me became bottlenecked, while the cars in the next lane continued on, passing me.

Turns out that a pickup truck was stalled. There were several cars between me and the pickup, and I had to wait a while before I had a chance to squeeze out of there and get into the next lane, because the cars in front of me were doing the same, and traffic wouldn’t let up in the next lane.

What really angered me was that the man in the pickup did NOT have his bloody flashers on.

Because he failed to do this, the driver right behind him didn’t have sufficient warning to scoot into the next lane, and so on and so forth for the car behind HIM, and HIM, and HIM, and then me.

As a result, a jam occurred. Had this stupid pickup driver put his flashers on in a timely way, the driver immediately behind him would have had ample time to get into the next lane, and the driver behind him, and so on, and so on, thereby preventing the bottleneck!

I was infuriated! I rolled my passenger window down, and as I passed the pickup driver, who was hanging halfway out the driver’s door, I hollered in a deep voice, “PUT YOUR FLASHERS ON!”