Any reason why some drivers are so dumb that they don’t put on their flashers (hazard lights) when slowing to search for an address?

How many times have you been behind some clunk-head driver who starts slowing, and slowing, and slowing – without giving you any indication what he or she is up to? Why don’t these knucklehead drivers put on their flashers?

At least this way, I know that they are willfully slowing down for a purpose, instead of slowing down unknowingly due to texting, yakking on a phone, hunting in the glove compartment, falling asleep, etc.

Put Your Friggin Flashers on when Slowing to Search for an Address

 It doesn’t take a high I.Q. to be courteous and considerate of other drivers.

I have frequently had to slow down to search for an address, and before I even slow down, I put on the flashers. It’s an automatic reaction of mine. This reaction perhaps burns just one brain cell to carry out.

If someone right in front of me slows down to a near-crawl, I shouldn’t have to assume he’s looking for an address.

Regardless of the reason for slowing down, you should ALWAYS PUT YOUR FLASHERS ON. How hard is that ? I can’t read your mind.

If your flashers aren’t on, I have NO idea if you’re going to suddenly speed away, suddenly change lanes right as I’m moving into that next lane, or who knows what.

At least show me, with your hazard lights, that there is a logical reason why you’ve slowed down, even if it IS to hunt in your glove compartment.

Don’t be a dumb driver. Turn on your flashers when you need to slow down to look for an address, a parking spot or your lost dog or whatever!