Julie Garrick of Denver KNEW that meal was for one of her elderly in-laws, but told her greedy daughter she could eat it. What nerve! Highlands Ranch

Julie and Lance Garrick moved from Las Vegas to Denver after my brother got a new job at a jeweler.

Instead of moving into their own place (they could have easily found a townhome or condo), they tricked my 89- and 93-year-old parents into believing they were short on cash and needed to move in with them.

Because my parents were convinced of this, they generously offered the finished basement to them, which included kids age 12, 3 and 2.

Soon after they moved in, my mother told me of an event. She explained that she had set out dinner for my father – a Mexican dish.

At some point while it was on the counter, 12-year-old Dakota asked Julie if she could have it.

My parents were not nearby at this point. My mother, instead, returned to the kitchen and noticed that the food was gone.

Dakota admitted to eating it, and my mother was angry about this. “That was my husband’s dinner,” she said.

It was also the last of that particular dish, which she had been looking forward to giving my father. My mother was old-school and delighted in preparing and serving him his meals.

Julie then fessed up that she had given the girl permission to eat the food.

Now Here’s the Problem Highlands Ranch, Denver

Julie Garrick certainly HAD TO HAVE KNOWN that this was either my father’s meal or my mother’s meal.

My selfish sister-in-law had NOT purchased this food. Dakota certainly had not bought it. And my brother Lance certainly had not bought it (Julie did all the grocery shopping for her family).

This left only ONE person who could have brought that food into the house: my mother (who did all the grocery shopping for herself and my father).

Yet Julie told Dakota she could eat it. What the hey! This woman knew damn well that the food was meant for either her father-in-law or mother-in-law.

But that’s what bullies do: They take advantage of the very elderly whom they know are too old and frail to ever become imposing.

Furthermore, there ALREADY WAS food in the house that my sister-in-law had bought. It was in multiple locations: downstairs in the mini-kitchen’s cupboards; downstairs in their refrigerator; upstairs in my parents’ refrigerator; and upstairs in the pantry.

Yet this bully was too lazy to fetch a dinner for her daughter and instead took the easy route: “Oh, just go ahead and eat it.”

BULL SHIT that Julie Garrick had no idea whom this food was for.

Links to Julie Garrick’s Additional Atrocious Deeds

Overall crappy treatment of my parents shortened their lifespan

Refuses to clean up tons of crumbs under kitchen table made by her kids

Left other disgusting messes in the kitchen; gave outrageous excuses for not cleaning them up

Forces in-laws, 89 and 93, to have their last Christmas dinner together on a rickety cardboard table in the living room

Uses up elderly mother-in-law’s good silverware, telling her use the plastic kiddie utensils

Let the children ruin mother-in-law’s good furniture

Let toddlers frequently scream and shriek in elderly in-laws living quarters

Highlands Ranch, Denver