My sister-in-law Julie Garrick of Higlands Ranch, Denver allowed her 2-year-old to loudly babble during my mother’s funeral mass.

It’s inconceivable how an adult could be so powerless over a toddler. Julie Garrick, Highlands Ranch, Denver

I was up front in the left section of pews, and Julie was several pews back – and in the middle section. I turned towards her several times, hoping to lock eyes on her, but her eyes never noticed mine.

Furthermore, my turning back was noticeable by quite a few people, and I knew I had to stop after three times.

I was very tempted to march over to her and tell her to take Holly into the lobby – an obvious solution that anyone with half a brain would know.

But my sister-in-law – to my amazement – remained in place, allowing the toddler to babble – loud enough to be easily heard over what the priest was saying.

How could anyone be so disrespectful in a funeral mass setting?

Even though Julie didn’t care for my generous, giving mother, she STILL should have at least had consideration for my 94-year-old father and my two brothers and sister who’d flown in from out of town, for God’s sake. Plus the other out-of-town relatives.

I didn’t march over to this woman because to do so would have gotten the attention of everyone, including my distraught father, and would have been a visual distraction – superimposed on the already-distraction of the toddler’s continuous babbling.

The last thing I wanted to do was create a wave – even the slightest wave – as that would further distress my father, who probably couldn’t hear much of the babbling anyways since he was hearing impaired.

Then suddenly, perhaps 20 minutes into the babbling, Julie finally figured out that she should take Holly into the lobby. Finally, the light went on in her thick skull.

However, it wasn’t over.

While she was in the lobby with the toddler, I continued to hear the babbling – even while the priest spoke. It was impossible to tune out this background noise, which was very unpleasant to hear, given the circumstances.

Call me overly sensitive, but hardly do I consider it being too demanding or overly sensitive to expect my MOTHER’S FUNERAL MASS to be free of needless toddler babbling – especially when you consider that the simple, easy solution was for Julie to TAKE HOLLY OUTSIDE !!

Hello? Duhhhh! Simple! Even a caveman can figure this out!

This would absolutely guarantee that the babbling would not be heard. Julie Garrick of Denver, Highlands Ranch

It should have dawned on my sister-in-law that even though they were in the lobby, the babbling would still be heard. After all, anyone with half a brain knows that sounds in a church’s lobby get carried quite a bit.

On top of that, it was a sunny warm day. SUNNY AND WARM. Why didn’t Julie Garrick step outside into the sunshine with the toddler?

I mean, what the fudge. Will someone help me understand her mentality?

Just plain rude and inconsiderate, not to mention a total lack of simple problem-solving skills. Julie Garrick, Denver, Highlands Ranch

Links to Julie Garrick’s Additional Atrocious Deeds

Overall crappy treatment of my parents shortened their lifespan

Refuses to clean up tons of crumbs under kitchen table made by her kids

Left other disgusting messes in the kitchen; gave outrageous excuses for not cleaning them up

Forces in-laws, 89 and 93, to have their last Christmas dinner together on a rickety cardboard table in the living room

Uses up elderly mother-in-law’s good silverware, telling her use the plastic kiddie utensils

Let the children ruin mother-in-law’s good furniture

Let toddlers frequently scream and shriek in elderly in-laws living quarters