This tiresome phrase of “Yasss Queen!” is from delirious followers who praise their favorite Instagram star no matter what she’s wearing or how she’s posing.

Everything she does is golden.

Yet if they passed a stranger on the street wearing the same “I gotta have those” shoes or shades, they’d never notice.

Seems that if their idol wore a wrap made of burlap and had uncombed grimy hair and bags under her eyes — they’d STILL post “Yaaaaas Queeeeen!” or its sister phrase, “Slayyy!”

“Yassss queen” suggests a follow-the-crowd or herd mentality.

When a MAN posts “Yassss queen!” this would suggest an attraction towards the Instagram star’s body or face rather than that of seeing her as a role model.

But when WOMEN do it? This strongly suggests that they actually look up to the influencer or celebrity, who often displays arrogance and conceit in her posts — an “I’m ALL THAT” mentality. Why would women want to worship someone like this?

The phrase invokes the idea that the female followers are so lost in life that they’ve latched onto the Instagram vixen as their “inspiration” – even if the star has admitted to psychological struggles and disastrous choices in life.

Followers latch onto someone who has, in many cases, posted about their myriad of mental health woes and self-worth issues. Who’d want someone like THIS as their or their children’s role model?

For instance, I myself have depression every so often, but gee…I’d rather admire someone who actually conquered the darkness, not someone who continues to be consumed by it.

This is akin to an impoverished person looking up to another poor individual as a role model to get rich someday. It simply does not make sense.

The “Yasss queen!” mentality is very suggestive of an insecure woman who lacks self-assurance and confidence. She lives her life vicariously through a wealthy Instagram star whom she’s never met.